Band: King Diamond & Mercyful Fate
24 de Agosto de 1996
Estádio do Pacaembu Sao Paulo, Brazil
Bandas: Bass: Sharlee D'Angelo (Mercyful Fate)
Bass: Chrus Estes (King Diamond)
Guitar: Michael Denner & Hank Shemann (Mercyful Fate)
Guitar: Herb Simonsen & Andy LaRocque (King Diamond) Drums:
Bjarne Holm (Mercyful Fate) Drums:
Darrin Anthony (King Diamond)
Vocals: King Diamond (both bands)
Setlist of Mercyful Fate:
00:02 - Evil
05:06 - The Bell Witch
10:03 - The Uninvited Guest
14:39 - Satan's Fall
26:53 - Come to the Sabbath
Setlist of King Diamond:
37:06 - The Invisible Guests
42:32 - Sleepless Nights
47:56 - Meet Me at Midnight
53:12 - Abigail